
uka ウカ


GINZA SIX店のコンセプトは『6年後の私が好き。』 日々のちょっとしたケアの積み重ねが6年後のあなたを作ります。私たちはあなたがあなた自身を好きでいるためのちょっとしたお手伝い係。銀座6丁目で6つのお約束とともにお客さまをお迎えします。

uka's concept is 'The salon where you encouter the most happy occasions in the world'. Through total beauty, we propose products that make the home care of "men and women who are busy, lazy and demanding" more pleasant.

The concept is “Love myself in 6 years.” Imagine yourself in the next 6 years—your daily care has shown its results. Our aim is to become your humble supporter and help you become the person you love even more. We welcome you to Ginza 6th Avenue with our 6 promises.
