Daoko Exhibition “the twinkle of euphoria” 3/31(木)~4/13(水) Daoko Exhibition “the twinkle of euphoria”
15歳の時にニコニコ動画へ投稿した楽曲で注目をあつめ、2015 年『DAOKO』でメジャーデビュー。第69回NHK紅白歌合戦に初出場を果たすなど、ドリーミーな世界観で音楽シーンを魅了する女性アーティストDaoko(だをこ)。
音楽活動の他に小説「ワンルーム・シーサイド・ステップ」(KADOKAWA出版)を執筆、蜷川実花監督の「ホリック xxxHOLiC」実写化映画(2022年4月29日公開)では女優業、そして近年では自主レーベルから発表した楽曲のイラストレーションも自ら手がけるなど、マルチな才能を発揮しています。そんな彼女の芸術家としての初個展Daoko Exhibition “the twinkle of euphoria”が開催されます。本展覧会で展示される作品はアクリル画や水彩画など全て1点ものの肉筆画で、その数40点以上に上ります。
After gaining attention for a song posted on Niconico at the age of 15, Daoko made her major label debut in 2015. She went on to share her dreamy-feeling, expressive music style with the world, impressing fans everywhere with her first appearance on the 69th NHK Red & White Year-end Song Festival (a popular New Year’s Eve television special held every year). Daoko is truly a woman of many talents: in addition to music, she has been active as a writer with her novel One-room Seaside Step (published by KADOKAWA), as an actress in the Mika Ninagawa–directed live-action film adaptation xxxHOLiC (April 29, 2022 release), and in recent years as an illustrator for covers of albums released on her self-owned music label. Now, Daoko is proud to present her first exhibition as an artist, titled “Daoko Exhibition ‘the twinkle of euphoria.'” Each of the singular works shown has been carefully hand-painted using acrylic paints, watercolor paints and other mediums, for a collection that surpasses 40 pieces in total. Her magical-feeling, enchanting color usages and subjects look as if they have been pulled straight from a picture book and are floating right off the canvas, creating a wonderfully spellbinding effect for the viewer.
フロア: 5F
イベント名: Daoko Exhibition “the twinkle of euphoria”
開催期間: 2022.03.31- 2022.04.13
2022.03.30 UP