Spring 『胃袋の旅』
A travel to the stomach of the Jurassic
Show Window
アートディレクター 佐藤寧子
下田昌克 1967年、兵庫県生まれ。絵描き。1994年から2年間、旅先で出会った人々のポートレイトを色鉛筆で描き始める。2011年よりプライベートワークでハンドメイドの恐竜の被り物をつくり始める。2018年のメンズコレクションのショーにてコム デ ギャルソン・オム・プリュスにそのヘッドピースが採用され、パリコレに恐竜が登場した。また、パリにて開催されたOff-White 2021FWのランウェイショーでは下田によるヘッドピースをまとったモデルたちが滑走。近著に「恐竜人間」(パルコ出版)「恐竜がいた」(スイッチ・パブリッシング)
The days of longing for free travel continue. This B2F show window is an installation by artist Masakatsu Shimoda on the theme of traveling to ancient times through space-time, thinking of dinosaur stomachs.
In recent years, among the fossil stomachs of herbivorous dinosaurs called Nodosaurus, which inhabited 100 million years ago, pollen, spores, moss, fern, flowering plants, conifers were found, and they turned out to be faddy eaters who did not eat the leaves of hard cycads and conifers and preferred a specific soft fern.
Did the dinosaur’s brain sense pleasure of taste and the happiness of satiety? The dinosaurs’ stomach packed with the gift from the land at the time is also a rich landscape they saw. The extinct dinosaurs have provided us with richness transcending time. What will we human beings leave to the future?
Art Director: Yasuko Sato
Mr. Shimoda drew on the glass surface and back side directly on site. The drawing of stomach is newly drawn for this window display.
Masakatsu Shimoda Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1967. Drawing. For two years from 1994, he drew portraits of people he met while traveling with colored pencils. In 2011, he started making handmade dinosaurs in his private work. At the 2018 Men’s Collection Show, the headpiece was adopted by Comme des Garçons Homme Plus, and dinosaurs appeared in Paris collection. Also, at the Off-White 2021FW Runway Show held in Paris, models wearing headpieces from Shimoda. In recent books, “Dinosaur Humans” (Parco Publishing) “Dinosaurs There” (Switch Publishing Co., Ltd.)
Picture book ‘Dead Pirates’ (Poplar Publishing Co., Lyd.), etc. https://www.instagram.com/shimodamasakatsu/
開催期間: 2022.04.01- 2022.06.16
2022.04.05 UP