Christmas「モロビトコゾリテ」 Christmas「JOY TO THE WORLD」
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アートディレクター 佐藤寧子
From the kitchens of Christmas restaurants, one can hear the sounds of cooks using a variety of kitchen tools to create delicious dishes from a wide range of ingredients.
The sophisticated rhythmic movements of the cooks and the sounds of the kitchen tools, the baking of the food in the oven, and sometimes the leisurely sounds of delicate work. Like an orchestra of musicians playing many different instruments to create a beautiful piece of music, the harmony of cooking is created.
This year,we wanted to share the happiness of being able to gather together again, so we created a hybrid of a Christmas kitchen and an orchestra, and expressed the theme of the creation that comes from the coming together of many personalities. Please enjoy it with music.
Yasuko Sato, Art Director
フロア: B2F
開催場所: ショーウィンドウ
開催期間: 2023.11.10- 2023.12.25
2023.11.10 UP