中央通りに「のれん」を掲げる6ブランドの挑み Six Brands Put Up "Noren" Along Ginza Main Street
GINZA SIX仕様のストアデザインの共演
GINZA SIXには100を超える旗艦店、国内および銀座初店舗や新業態なども含め、約240もの世界のブランドが集結する。なかでも中央通り沿いにエントランスを構え、GINZA SIXの建築を担当した谷口吉生の提案である「のれん」として独自のファサードを設けるのはDIOR、VALENTINO、CÉLINE、FENDI、SAINT LAURENT、VAN CLEEF & ARPELSの6ブランドだ。
世界に店舗を展開するラグジュアリーブランドはそれぞれ、建築や空間、そこに使用される贅沢な素材、オリジナルの家具に至るまで、揺るぎないストアコンセプトを持っている。だが、オープンする店舗ごとに現代のラグジュアリーを感じさせる新たな挑戦と、場所性を汲んだアプローチが加わってはじめて、完成を見る。そういう意味で、今回のGINZA SIXにおいて銀座という場所性に匹敵するのはまず「のれん」のデザインであり、そのうえで、ファサードをくぐった先の店内空間の挑みが見どころといえる。
GINZA SIX Exclusive Retail Designs Share Center Stage
When its doors open, GINZA SIX will be home to about 240 brands from around the world, including over 100 flagships, brands coming to Japan or Ginza for the first time, and new retail concepts making their Japan debut. Six of these brands will have entrances and unique facades along Ginza's main shopping thoroughfare, Chuo-dori: DIOR, VALENTINO, CÉLINE, FENDI, SAINT LAURENT, and VAN CLEEF & ARPELS. The idea for brand-specific facades originated from GINZA SIX's architect Yoshio Taniguchi, who looked to the tradition of Japanese stores hanging up noren, entrance curtains decorated with low-key motifs (usually the store's logo or crest).
Luxury brands have a worldwide presence, and each of their retail locations have a clearly defined store concept that is reflected in everything from the architecture and the interior space to the extravagant materials used therein, and even down to the original furniture. But there are more pieces to the puzzle: each new store must have something bold and new to say about contemporary luxury, and embrace a sense of place and local identity in their approach. In that sense, the noren-inspired designs of the facades at GINZA SIX are a tribute to the noren-lined historical townscape of Ginza—and what lies behind them is sure to delight and impress.
Valentino - Ginza
designed by David Chipefield
まずDIOR(地下1階・地上4階)はGINZA SIXの建築を担った谷口吉生がファサードも担当。衣擦れの音を呼び起こすような独特のデザインがベールを脱ぐ。店内はアメリカを拠点に、DIORの世界中の店舗をはじめ多くのブランドの建築空間を手がけるピーター・マリノによって、コンテンポラリーな雰囲気とモダンな家具が一体感をもって溶け込んだ空間に。さらに1階の通りには4つの大きなウィンドーが設けられ、中に足を踏み入れると高さ7メートルの吹き抜けのアトリウムが出現。インテリアのカラーは白いトーンが強調され、上階にあるシューズコーナーの壁にはパリの現代アートシーンで注目を集めるスウェーデン出身のタリク・キスワンソンのアートワークが設置されるなど、ギャラリーとしてのエレメントも醸す。
For DIOR(B1-4F), the architect Yoshio Taniguchi conceived a unique facade evoking a tonal interaction of a dress, structured by four large windows at street level. Inside, Peter Marino, the U.S.-based architect of DIOR boutiques around the world as well as other brands, has created a contemporary atmosphere dominated by white tones, in which modern furniture integrates seamlessly. As the visitors enter, they are greeted by the House's seven-meter high atrium. Adding to the gallery-like feel, the walls in the shoes section on the second floor are decorated with the artwork of Swedish-born Tarick Kiswanson, who is currently being hailed as the next big thing in Paris's contemporary art scene.
Next is VALENTINO (B1-4F), where creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli has teamed up with world-famous British architect David Chipperfield to boldly put forth an innovative store concept. The facade is made up of metal mesh from top to bottom, creating a contrast between the gentle rays of sunlight that enter through the windows facing Chuo-dori during the day, and the glow from inside the store that illuminates the street at night—while maintaining a private shopping experience all throughout. The minimal design of the black metal front doors complements the metal mesh, both of which are beautifully in tune with Taniguchi's architecture. Inside is a palazzo-themed retail space furnished and decorated with things both new and old to create a one-of-a-kind atmosphere, an intriguing alternative to the brand's traditional space design. All of the brand's iconic elements have been gathered here, but much more than a collection of nostalgia, this is a space that demonstrates that there is plenty of room for heritage to coexist with forward-thinking ideas.
そのほかCÉLINE(地上2階)は「のれんとしてのファサード」という提案に対し、“地域性”と“時間”というキーワードのもと、日本の土を使った陶の造形でファサードを表現。長く受け継がれてきた職人の手仕事による陶は、一つ一つのピースが唯一無二の素材感を放ち、店内のディテールにも主に土や石といった温かみを感じる天然素材を使用する。陶のピースのレイアウトは日中の外部から内部、夜の内部から外部と、それぞれの光の表情にも配慮。装飾的なアプローチから一線を画した繊細な表現で、個性的な世界観を作り出す。さらにFENDI(地下1階・地上3階)はローマの歴史的建造物で、ブランドの本拠がある「イタリア文明宮」からインスピレーションを得たファサードをデザイン。ブランドの視点を通して見たローマをGINZA SIXに投影するかたわら、幾何学的でありながらエレガントなアーチの連続が日本の伝統的な「のれん」との情緒的な繋がりを表現するなど、どちらのブランドも日本を意識したアプローチが特徴的だ。
転じてSAINT LAURENT(地上3階)はブラックとホワイトの大理石を贅沢に装飾的に使用し、典型的なアール・デコをイメージさせる空間を提案。ショーケースや棚などにミラー仕立ての素材を用い、ミニマムを基調とした空間を通じてブランドの世界観を伝える。VAN CLEEF & ARPELS(地下1階・地上2階)ではやわらかな漆黒からゴールドへと変化するファサードが陽光を受けて輝き、店内は階段の手すりをはじめ、壁面、エレベーターの内部などにアール・デコのデザインを強く打ち出すことで、GINZA SIXの世界観に繋がるシックな空間を印象付ける。
なお、商品展開に関しては、DIORがアジア初となるブランド独自のセンスで生活雑貨などをセレクトしたコーナー「Dior MAISON」を展開。VAN CLEEF & ARPELSは2階すべてを国内初のブライダルサロンに。VALENTINOではパリコレクションのランウェイに登場した特別なピースが店頭に並ぶなど、すべてのブランドが国内最大級の店舗となり、フルカテゴリーのアイテムを取り揃える。
CÉLINE (1F-2F) unveils a facade with a truly noren-inspired design, a statement on sense of locality and time made up of pieces of ceramic made from Japanese clay. Each and every piece of ceramic has been crafted by master potters in a long-cultivated and passed-down tradition of artisanal handicraft, creating the perfect introduction to the detailing of the interior, which incorporates mostly natural materials like clay and stones to impart an earthy warmth to the environment. Here, again, the arrangement of ceramic pieces gives rise to a contrast between light flowing in during the day, and the radiance given forth at night. This is a delicate, sensitive display that takes a different approach from purely decorative designs to create a singular expression of the CÉLINE universe. FENDI (B1-3F) has put up a facade inspired by the historic Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana in Rome, which currently houses the brand's headquarters. It is both a projection of Rome through the eyes of the brand's aesthetic, as well as a collaboration across cultures: the row of arches are geometric yet elegant, and embody a sentimental connection to Japan's tradition of noren.
Then we turn to SAINT LAURENT (1F-3F), which has created a space that evokes classic Art Deco design with lavish, decorative use of black and white marble. The showcases and display shelves are made using a material with a mirror finish and are positioned in a minimal space that allows the brand's vision to take center stage. At VAN CLEEF & ARPELS (B1-2F), the facade goes from soft jet black to gold and shimmers in the sunlight. The interiors feature Art Deco detailing, from the handrails on the stairs to the walls and even inside the elevator, bringing the impressively chic space in harmony with GINZA SIX's overall aesthetic.
One last note on product offerings—these six boutiques will be among each brand's largest retail locations in Japan, and each will carry the brand's full range of products. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: DIOR will present its Dior MAISON collection of select lifestyle items and homeware for the first time in Asia, while at VAN CLEEF & ARPELS, the entire second floor will be a dedicated bridal salon, a Japan first. VALENTINO will offer exclusive pieces from its Paris Runway Collection.

Text by Yuka Okada / Photograph by Toshiharu Kitajima