Form-i×Cordonnier フォルムアイ×コルドニエ
We wanted to take the high-quality clothes repair and shoe repair services we’ve developed in department stores and better express them in a Ginza setting. Based on an unwavering commitment to quality and a desire to accommodate a vast range of customer requests, we hope to convey our high level of technical expertise.
As a group of technical professionals, we suggest new ways to reform and remake clothes. As a new location that also offers shoe repair services, we’ve developed a space where visiting customers can engage in the consultation process at their own pace.
- フロア
- カテゴリー
- 洋服・バッグ・靴のお直し
- 営業時間
- 10:30 - 20:30
- ポイントプログラム
- 対象
- 駐車場サービス
- 対象
- 免税サービス
- 1F免税カウンターにて一括対応
- 電話番号
洋服直し: 03-6264-5113
靴修理: 03-6264-5114
- ウェブサイト
- シューケア商品の販売