益や マスヤ
MASUYA”, a sake bar in Kyoto, and ‘MASUYA SAKE’, a sake specialty store specializing in kaku-uchi and handmade souvenirs, which operates the ‘MASUYA Sake Bar’ and the ‘MASUYA Sweets’ brand of snacks, have opened their first store in Ginza, Tokyo as a business complex filled with the charm of their brands.
Visitors can enjoy sake from Kyoto, one of Japan's most famous sake brewing areas, and saké snacks that can only be found here. The store also sells cans of sake from Kyoto, and snacks made from Kyoto vegetables and seafood, with special attention to soup stock and production methods. It is a gift store, but it is also a “new kaku-uchi style” where you can buy and drink sake quickly.
- フロア
- カテゴリー
- フーズ
- 営業時間
- 10:30 - 20:30
- 価格の目安
- ¥1,000~¥5,000
- サービス
- テイクアウト可,英語メニューあり
- ポイントプログラム
- 対象
- 駐車場サービス
- 対象
- 免税サービス
- 1F免税カウンターにて一括対応
- 電話番号
- 03-6264-5552
- ウェブサイト
- https://masuya.kyoto/
- Instagram : @store_masuya / @masuya_saketen