ラグジュアリーコーヒーブランド "Lonich,(ロニック)" POP UP開催 Luxury coffee brand "Lonich," POP-UP
The Pop Up
Lonich, は日本でも数少ないトップロット専門店として、"Best of Panama"や"Esmeralda Auction", "CGLE Auction", "Chicha Challenge Auction"等多くのオークションロットを落札、またそれらトップ農園のマイクロロットを確保し、日本中そしてアジア中のコーヒーギークの皆様にラグジュアリーなコーヒーを提供しています。
今回はGINZA SIXのお客様に、世界最高グレードコーヒーを楽しんでいただくべく、Lonich, の調達網と焙煎技術を全て活用して素晴らしいラインナップを揃えました。Best of Panama 2024オークションロットやCGLEオークションロット、その他世界に数キロしか存在しないような希少なロットをご用意しております。3月4日(火)から3月31日(月)までB2FでPOP UPを開催しておりますので、ぜひお越しくださいませ。
Among the vast selection of coffee available, Lonich is a luxury coffee brand that exclusively curates the world’s finest and rarest coffees, focusing on auction lots that are notoriously difficult to obtain.
What Lonich offers is not an everyday coffee experience, but the ultimate coffee experience.
Though not widely known, much like in the world of whiskey and wine, coffee also has a distinct grading system for each lot. The top-tier lots from various countries are scored on a 100-point scale, and many of these exceptional lots are showcased in competitions and auctions. These auction lots and micro-lots from the top farms have an annual global supply of only a few dozen kilograms—sometimes just a few kilograms. Naturally, these are not available to just anyone; instead, they are fiercely competed for by buyers from around the world.
In Japan, however, the circulation of such premium lots is extremely limited, and encountering them in everyday life is nearly impossible. As one of Japan’s few specialty stores dedicated to top-tier lots, Lonich has successfully secured winning bids at auctions such as Best of Panama, Esmeralda Auction, CGLE Auction, and Chicha Challenge Auction, as well as exclusive micro-lots from elite farms. Our mission is to provide coffee connoisseurs across Japan and Asia with an unparalleled luxury coffee experience.
This time, we have curated an extraordinary lineup to delight customers at GINZA SIX, leveraging our extensive sourcing network and roasting expertise to its fullest. Our selection includes Best of Panama 2024 auction lots, CGLE Auction lots, and other ultra-rare lots with only a few kilograms in existence worldwide.
We invite you to visit our POP-UP event, held on the B2 floor from March 4 to March 31, and indulge in the world’s highest-grade coffee.