各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
上質メンテナンスで、ブレない女の「土台」を作る A More Sophisticated Approach to Maintaining Unshakable Feminine Foundations
惣流 マリコ
ファッションも美容も魅力的な発見が目白押し、出かける度に女心をわし掴みにされてしまうGINZA SIX。私自身、何度となく訪れ、その都度楽しく過ごしています。
そうなると「やっぱり家に帰ろう!」となりがちですが、そんな時こそGINZA SIXに留まるべき! B1Fビューティフロアには、大人の女にふさわしい上質なメンテナンススポットがちゃんと用意されているのです。
どーせやるなら徹底的に、「スポットのハシゴ」と参りましょう。1軒目では体の中から徹底ケア。「ビューティテラス ギンザ〜ドレス サークル〜」の最新エクササイズで効率よく筋トレ、加齢に負けがちな体に喝を入れます。運動は苦手という女性も心配は無用。ここにあるのは1回20~30分で終わる最新の時短エクササイズばかり。ウェアも全てレンタルできるから、会社帰りでも買い物ついででも、思い立った時に立ち寄れるのです。
筋トレで体の中から整えたらお次は「パっと見」! ボン・キュッ・ボンッ・スラリな体型をめざし、パリで60年以上の歴史を持つエステティックサロン「クラランス スキン スパ」へ。奥に広い店内は、商業施設の中だということを忘れそうになるくらい静かで穏やかな空気が流れています。
ボディメイクのイチオシは「ボディ フィット スカルプター」(60分17,000円)。歴史と経験で培われたオールハンドテクニックとサロン専用のPRO製品を駆使するお手入れで、肌もラインも整ったうっとりボディに。
「引き締めのスペシャルマスクは太もも集中、マッサージも下半身メインなんです」と謙虚な説明は受けますが、なんだかんだ腰も背中も二の腕もしっかり触ってくれるので結果も満足度もフルボディレベル。ただ上半身メインの「Sカーブ ソリューション」と組み合わせれば、さらに完璧ボディを目指せるそうなので私も近々ぜひそれに挑戦しようと企んでいます。
体幹も整った! メリハリボディも即効手に入った! と納得できれば最後はやはり顔です。どんなメイクアップもピタリとはまる、ツヤ肌小顔で女の土台を完成させましょう。目指すはコスメデコルテによる世界初の旗艦店「メゾンデコルテ」。
フェイシャルは時間別や季節の限定メニューなどいくつも用意されていますが、どのコースを選んでも基本オートクチュール仕立て。メゾンデコルテ専用コスメやオリジナルのハンドメソッド、天然ダイヤモンドを使った美容機器、憧れのブランド最高峰クリーム「AQミリオリティインテンシブクリーム」(45 g 120,000円)までもが惜しみなく投入され、受け手はただただまどろんでいれば、官能的な柔らかさと透明感あふれる素肌美が手に入るという素晴らしい体験ができます。
効果的で効率の良い最新トレーニング、心地よいメリハリボディケア、肌も心もまとめて磨けるフェイシャルトリートメント。女の土台作りが一気に実現できるのはGINZA SIXだからこそ。スペシャルなメンテナンスを終えたら、もう一度気になるショップ群に飛び込みましょう。ブレないコアを持つ女ならどんなアイテムも経験も予想外の事件(!)だって楽しく調理できるはずですから。
Text:Mariko Soryu Photos:Takashi Imai Edit:Yuka Okada
Full of amazing fashion and beauty discoveries, each visit is a renewed opportunity to get reacquainted with GINZA SIX that stirs up your own femininity. I drop by many times and always find I enjoy myself. But every so often, once in a blue moon, no matter what I look at or listen to, nothing hits the right note. No matter what I try or put on, it’s not the perfect consonance or match I need at the moment. Eventually, my enthusiasm flags, and I conclude I’d be better off just going home. My longing to be there fades. That’s bound to happen now and then when you’re an adult. The wear of everyday life and perhaps some of your less healthy habits start to take their toll, and the foundations of mind and body lose some of their native wholeness and energy. Plus, with this lax physique and lusterless skin, perhaps what looks good on me and what doesn’t is beside the point.
When you’re feeling this way, you probably think, yes, it’s time to go home—but, no, it’s precisely in moments like this you should stay a while longer at GINZA SIX. The Beauty Floor, the first basement floor, offers ideal places for refined care and maintenance befitting an adult woman.
If we’re going to do it, we should do it right. So let’s start this spot-hop. The first stop addresses comprehensive care for the body, from inside out. At Beauty Terrace Ginza: Dress Circle, with the latest in exercise, you can train your muscles efficiently to gain mobility and breathe new life into your body, which, in the absence of incentive to do otherwise, tends to lose out to the dispiriting process of aging. Exercise not your favorite thing? No need to worry. The facility offers the latest in short exercise programs anyone can complete in 20 to 30 minutes. You can even rent workout clothes. Stop by any time, whether on the way home from work or while out shopping.
The most popular course is Kaatsu Beauty. The program here enhances your muscle strength at many times normal speed, without the risk of bulking up. A dedicated trainer provides one-on-one guidance so that your workout contributes to a supple, feminine physique, and nothing less—or more.
There’s also Xbody, full-body EMS devices that are worn to augment the benefits of exercise, along with virtual-reality machines that let you train your core in virtual spaces and more of the latest and best training equipment from around the world. Combining any of these with Kaatsu Beauty generates sweeping synergies. These short, easy workouts build strength and muscle in the places where you want for a strong, limber frame.
Train your body from the inside out, and heart, mind, and outlook follow. If you’re already someone who gets enough exercise, try giving your body a different kind of challenge for added benefits. The initial program provides the full experience and starts at 5,800 yen (not including tax; all prices given are before tax). Various other combinations offer great deals.
Now that we’ve shaped up from within the body with strength training, we turn next to the question of outer looks at first sight. Having set an hourglass figure for my goal, I head to Clarins Skin Spa, a full-service beauty salon with an over 60-year history in Paris. The salon is spacious in the rear. The quiet, soothing atmosphere will just about make you forget you’re in a retail complex.
The most recommended body course is Body Fit Sculptor (60 minutes, 17,000 yen). It’s based on a hands-only technique cultivated over the course of the salon’s history and draws on experience and professional salon-only products to help create a captivating physical presence with both skin and bodylines in good condition.
“The special tightening mask focuses on the buttocks and thighs. The massage also focuses mainly on the lower body.” While this explanation downplays its scope, the massage does in fact very much address my hips, back, and upper arms. The results and my satisfaction are at the full-body level. This, combined with the S Curve Solution upper-body-centric course, targets the perfect figure, I’m told. I definitely plan to come back soon and try it.
I find this session has immediate and noticeable benefits for a strengthened core and tautness and suppleness in the right places. I’m satisfied. With my lower body now in order, lastly, of course, comes my face. Let’s put the last touches on the feminine foundations with glowing skin and a diminutive visage on which any type of makeup looks ideal. My destination is Maison DECORTÉ, the world’s first flagship salon from COSME DECORTÉ.
COSME DECORTÉ operates other salons, but this one is special for an already exclusive brand. Designed by world-renowned designer Marcel Wanders, the gorgeous interior is mesmerizing—simply the experience of being there isn’t to be missed. When I’m led to one of the treatment rooms, each individually designed, from the aromas to ambient music, I feel revived from melancholy; I’m truly in a woman’s paradise and feel as glad as ever to have been born female.
There are a number of facials for different times and seasons, but whichever course you choose, it’s haute-couture-class all the way. Dedicated Maison DECORTÉ cosmetics, original hands-only methods, a beauty device that incorporates a real diamond, and even the much-longed-for pinnacle of creams, AQ Meliority Intensive Eye Cream (45 g, 120,000 yen) are applied liberally. In the process of drifting off a bit, you gain a beautiful complexion characterized by a sensual softness and a serene translucency. It’s a stupendous experience. You can try the latest cosmetic products after the treatment, including global skincare lines available in Japan only at the GINZA SIX salon. Definitely come and give it a try.
The latest in effective and efficient training, comfortable body care for suppleness and tautness, a facial treatment that brightens both the skin and the heart—you can get all of these with a single outing to GINZA SIX, which will reinforce your foundations as a woman.
Now that my special maintenance is complete, I’m all ready to dive head-first into the shops. A woman with an unshakeable core is capable of generating exuberant experiences from anything life happens to throw at her.
Text:Mariko Soryu Photos:Takashi Imai Edit:Yuka Okada

惣流 マリコ