各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
一流の大人に似合う“ギンザな装い”を探して Finding Ginza Attire for First-Class Adults
金森 陽
銀座は、ファッションという言葉より「装い」という表現がしっくりくる。一流の人が集い一流のモノが集まる街は、品格ある、整った服装を表す言葉が似合うと思う。だから銀座のハレな装いにはスーツ、ただしいわゆるビジネスっぽいそれではなく、ちょっと遊びのある着こなしが絶好だ。弊誌『MEN’S EX』においても、休日のきちんと&ハレな装いには、スーツや靴、小物で少し遊びを利かせることを提案している。そんな、大人の余裕を感じさせる装いを探しに、GINZA SIXをぶらり。
まず伺ったのは、弊誌でもよくスーツを掲載させていただく『リングヂャケット マイスター』。1954年に生まれた大阪のファクトリー発祥で、多くのブランドや有名ショップのOEMも手掛ける実力派だ。その丁寧な作りは海外でも評価され、アジア、ニューヨークのショップでも展開されている。もしも“スーツは着心地の悪い服”と思っている方がいるなら、是非一度こちらの一着に袖を通してみてほしい。首から肩にかけての柔らかな着心地を体感すると、スーツの見方が間違いなく変わる。そんなブランドだ。
銀座らしい一着を紹介していただいた。こんなベージュのスーツをビジネスで着ることはなかなか難しいだろうが、休日の銀座はもちろん、賑わう街で着ているところを想像してみてほしい。本当に小粋じゃなかろうか。パターン(型)は、最上級ラインである「RING JACKET MEISTER 206」シリーズの「No.271H」。殺し襟(平面の生地をアイロンワークで立体的に仕上げる)や袖付けのハンドステッチが、柔らかな着心地と上質感に拍車をかける。
そんなドレイクスをショップインショップとし、服から小物まで多くの英国ブランドを取り扱う『ブリティッシュメイド』で、スーツスタイルの基本、英国靴を物色。こちらで扱う「ジョセフ チーニー」は、1886年にノーサンプトンで創業した腕利きのブランドだ。ハイグレードラインのインペリアルコレクションの美しさに惚れ惚れしつつ、目を奪われたのがパーソナルオーダーサービス“1 of 1”の文字。
しかもオーダー可能な6モデルのうち、既製品で展開のない2アイレットのプレーントウと外羽根のストレートチップまでオーダーできるとか! 名前入れ、付属キット、限定型など、パーソナルオーダーならではの特別感が嬉しすぎる。正統ながら遊びを利かせたい大人にうってつけのサービスだろう。
ところで、取材当日の天気予報は雪。その対策に登山靴がルーツであるパラブーツのダブルモンクシューズ「ウィリアム」を履いていた。このほかにも4足、計5足を所有する、好きな靴ブランドである『パラブーツ 銀座店』を最後に訪問。
Text:Yo Kanamori Photos:Takeshi Wakabayashi Edit:Yuka Okada
Attire. I think the word’s a perfect fit for Ginza, certainly better than fashion. Attire, a word that refers to clothing of finer and more formal character, goes quite well, I think, with a district that draws together people and products of the highest quality. Formal attire for Ginza, then, is the suit, although the ideal is to dress with a slight sense of play; we’re not talking about the everyday business suit. In MEN’S EX, our magazine, we suggest incorporating a bit of whimsy in one’s more proper and formal weekend attire: in your suit, shoes, and accessories. So, then, with the goal of finding attire characterized by a relaxed and grownup sense of grace, I head to GINZA SIX and wander.
I head first to RINGJACKET MEISTER GINZA, whose suits are often featured in our magazine. Established in 1954 in an Osaka factory, the brand has a reputation for getting the job done right. It also handles contracted work for many other brands and well-known boutiques. The conscientious workmanship it’s known for is highly regarded overseas as well, and it operates stores in other parts of Asia and in New York. If you believe suits aren’t comfortable, I urge you to try putting on one of these suits. Experiencing the soft and comfortable fit from neck to shoulders will change your perceived ideas of a suit. It’s that kind of brand.
I had the store show me a suit with a distinctive Ginza air. Wearing a beige suit like this for business might be pushing it, but I want you to imagine being in Ginza on the weekend, wearing this suit amid the hustle and bustle. Quite stylish, don’t you think? The pattern is No. 201H from the RINGJACKET MEISTER 206 series, the brand’s most premier line. This collar, sewn by giving a three-dimensional finish to flat fabric through an ironing process, and hand-stitched armholes accentuate the comfortable fit and high quality.
I try it on, and the rise of the collar is certainly wonderful. It stays right on the neck. A suit that doesn’t fit is beside the point, but with ready-made suits that feel stiff, when you move, the collar sometimes lifts—a gap forms between the collar and the inner shirt. No such worries with this suit.
The GINZA SIX store offers six patterns, including models that fit me perfectly, even with my large shoulders and chest. Incidentally, the striped suit I’m wearing today is made by RINGJACKET.
With my excitement building over these quality finds, I’m now off to Drake’s, inside the British Made store, to look for neckties, an essential accessory for any suit. Drake’s is famous as one of the few remaining shirt and necktie factory brands based in the UK. This is the first Drake’s store in Asia.
Three fabrics are especially famous: The thickly ribbed fabric of Super Repp lends a sense of depth to the striped pattern; the robust 50 oz Royal Twill is made from a heavy, sturdy fabric; and the lighter Grenadine features a mesh-like weave similar to a knit tie. Personally, I also have a soft spot for the wonderful color patterns that deftly combine florid and low-key tones.
Here at the GINZA SIX store, and only here in Japan, you can select and order from the brand’s archive of fabrics of your preferred width, length, and lining. The ties sold in Japan, for brands both domestic and overseas, predominantly come in lengths matched to the average neck size of a Japanese person. If you have a somewhat slender or somewhat bulky neck, this explains why you’ve been frustrated at times by ties that are too long or too short. Buying ties by custom order resolves these concerns. As shown in the photo, you can check the stiffness of the lining and the width while looking at samples.
I don’t know why, but I love neckties. When there’s a pattern I like, I buy it immediately, even if I’m not sure I’ll ever wear it. When I was editor-in-chief at Begin magazine, my previous job, casual style was the norm. Still, in a little over four years, I collected over 40 ties. (I actually counted them later.) Some of these ties, of course, I’ve never worn, and it’s possible I’ve bought too many. But I absolutely love these vintage-like patterns, so I’m currently considering ordering one.
British Made, with Drake’s inside, carries a large number of British brands, ranging from clothing to accessories. As a basic accompaniment for any suit, I’ve been searching for British-made shoes. The footwear available here includes shoes from Joseph Cheaney, a master shoemaker established in Northampton in 1886. Enchanted as I am by the beauty of the Imperial Collection, the brand’s premium line, I nevertheless find my eyes alighting on 1 of 1, the brand’s personalized order service.
Among the store’s features is the brand’s only personalized order service offered in Japan. You can select the color of the upper; for the full brogue or semi-brogue, you can coordinate from part to part. The special box provided with the order comes with a care kit (including a shoetree)—plus, they’ll put your name in a little window on the inside of the shoe.
Six models available for order include types that aren’t ready-made by the brand: the two-eyelet plain toe and straight-tip blucher. The shoe comes bearing your name and accompanied by a care kit. The service also includes limited-edition patterns—the feeling of distinction that comes with personalized orders is a true delight. This is perhaps the perfect service for adults who like to mingle orthodoxy with a little sense of play.
Incidentally, today’s forecast calls for snow, so I’m wearing the William double monk from Paraboot, a brand with roots in mountaineering. I have four or five other pairs from the brand as well—it’s one of my favorite shoe brands. Naturally enough, I visit Paraboot GINZA next, as the end of this wander.
I discover a model available only at the GINZA SIX store, the highly popular Chambord. I find that the green brand tab has been removed, and the Norwegian method was replaced by the Goodyear welt—it’s a model aware of the requirements of dressing up. The texture is soft, like buffed leather, and the light-brown grain leather upper creates a depth of refinement that’s the hallmark of a French brand.
All the stores I visited today have GINZA SIX–only items that lend refinement to one’s attire. I’m encouraged to visit the other stores, too—I’m certain more exciting treasures await there that go perfectly with Ginza attire.
Text:Yo Kanamori Photos:Takeshi Wakabayashi Edit:Yuka Okada

金森 陽
『MEN’S EX』編集長。2001年に世界文化社に入社。2013年より『Begin』編集集長を経て、2017年10月より現職。