各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
編集者の探究心をくすぐる箱 A Place to Pique an Editor’s Spirit of Inquiry
石井 洋
LEON編集部は銀座から一本、道を隔てた京橋にある。そのせいもあって銀座という街自体には馴染みがあり、訪れることもしばしば。お気に入りのスポットもたくさんあるが、GINZA SIXもそのひとつだ。とにかく空間が広く大きく、それだけで気持ちが良い。服、雑貨、飲食、本屋となんでも揃っているから、行けば何かしら新しい発見がある。編集者という仕事はオンオフの区別があまりないため、休日にぶらりと訪れても、結果、仕事目線になってしまうが、それでも効率的にさまざまなものをインプットできる場所は貴重だし、それがまた楽しいのだから仕方なし。というわけで今回はどんな新発見があるのか。ちょっとした遠足気分で、ワクワクしながら訪れた。
例えばこのジャケット(18,000円 ※以下全て税抜価格)。カーディガン感覚で着られる軽やかなブラックで、3シーズンは使えるもの。なのだが、サラリとドライな素材使いであったり、ショールカラーのラペルであったり、さり気ないひねりが効いているのだ。
次に訪れたのは、お洒落ゴルファーに絶大な人気を誇るセレクトショップ「the HOUSE(ザ ハウス)」。インスタ系女子ゴルファーが熱をあげるパーリーゲイツを筆頭に、さまざまなブランドを揃える名店だ。僕も40歳を超えてから途端にゴルフにハマった口で、今では隙あらばラウンドをし、打ちっ放し練習やショップ巡りをするのだが、こちらはGINZA SIXの三原通りに面した側にあり、独立の入口があるため、時間のない時などにサクッと見て回れるのも嬉しい。加えてゴルフの行き帰りを意識したイタリアブランドもラインナップされており、ゴルフ目的でなくとも何かしら買ってしまうという、困った店でもある。
締めに訪れたのはB2Fにある「ISHIYA GINZA(イシヤ ギンザ)」。写真はGINZA SIX限定「Fuwari(フワリ)バターオムレット」(各300円)で、北海道産発酵バターをベースに、ワインやラム、日本酒を使った珍しいスイーツ。
職業柄、気の利いたおもたせはいつも気になっているのだが、そうした意味でも「イシヤ ギンザ」は抜群。実はこちら、日本の老若男女誰もが知る北海道生まれの銘品「白い恋人」を作っている「石屋製菓」という会社がGINZA SIXで初めて展開する、北海道では買えない新業態ブランドで、「白い恋人」こそ扱っていないものの、そのDNAを受け継いだ「Sagu(サク)ラング・ド・シャ」は絶品だ。その出自を伝えてギフトすると、お相手の顔には決まって笑みがこぼれる。編集者ということでこのあたり、いつも過剰な期待をされてしまうのだが、味だけではないストーリーのあるこのおもたせは、ハズレ知らず。
と、取材依頼を受けての今回のGINZA SIXぶらり旅は、時間にして約一時間半たっぷりとあったのだが、それでも正直時間は足りず…。それは、あちらこちらに気になるものが多く、目移りしてしまうことが第一。そして先に書いた広大なスペースが、まだまだ何か発見できそうな場所があるのでは? という感情を呼び起こすからだろう。職業柄もあるが元来、知らないもの・楽しそうなものがありそうだと思うと、いても立っても居られない性格も災いしたのかも。その週末に再訪してしまったのは言うまでもなく、ん〜、これはGINZA SIXにしてやられたか…。
Text:Hiroshi Ishii Photos:Yuichi Sugita Edit:Yuka Okada
The LEON editorial department is located in Kyobashi, just one street from Ginza. Partly for that reason, I’m familiar with the Ginza district and visit often. The area has lots of spots I like. One is GINZA SIX. More than anything, it’s vast and spacious, and that alone makes me feel good. And because GINZA SIX has stores of every kind, including clothing stores, bric-a-brac stores, food and dining, and bookstores, I make a new discovery every time I go. When you work as an editor, there’s not much distinction between being on duty and off duty. Even when I come here on days off, I find myself getting into work mode. No wonder. GINZA SIX is such a fun and valuable place partly because it offers so many inputs concentrated in one location. When I arrive, as excited as a child on the cusp of an outing, I wonder what new discoveries I’ll make this time around.
The first store I visit is ATTACHMENT on the fifth floor. I tend to wear classic suits and jackets nowadays, but I’m essentially agnostic when it comes to fashion. When I was younger, I was more drawn toward trends. Perhaps that’s why I’m still drawn to clothes with some original flair. But I’m middle-aged now and don’t feel I can make impulsive choices to look stylish in the way I did before. Such things just don’t suit me. At times like this, this is where I drop by.
ATTACHMENT’s clothes are basically minimalist, but you sense signs of trendiness here and there. Their clothes look good and right to be worn by grownups, but there’s a bit of individuality, a touch of exquisite seasoning, that ensures you won’t disappear into the crowd.
Take this jacket (18,000 yen; all prices listed before tax). It’s black and lightweight, so you can wear it like a cardigan three seasons of the year. But it also presents some understated individual features. The fabric is sleek and dry, and the lapels are shawl collars.
What strikes me as a discovery this time is this long jacket (35,000 yen). It’s a coat, but so light you’d think it was made of feathers. The rustling texture strikes a casual note. The front lacks any buttons; you don’t so much wear it as wrap yourself in it. It offers a modernity that’s ideal for strolling around today’s Ginza. The designer, Kazuyuki Kumagai, is an acquaintance of mine, and I sometimes bump into him at the airport when, for example, he’s off to Paris for a show. His style is really well embodied in ATTACHMENT apparel (as one would expect), and the brand really suits him: that relaxed, but standout style, the result of overcoming various challenges. It’s a state of mind I want to achieve some day, but I’m nowhere near there yet. Fans of the brand include lots of older musicians, which I think says something about his personality and style.
My next stop is the HOUSE, a select shop that enjoys great popularity among fashion-aware golfers. The store carries items from various brands, most notably Pearly Gates, whose popularity has been spurred by Instagramming female golfers. I myself got hooked on golf soon after I turned 40. Now I enjoy a round whenever I can, practice my swing, and drop by golf stores. This store is on the side of GINZA SIX that looks out onto Mihara-dori Street and so has its own entrance. The great thing about this is that I can just pop in for a look around when, for example, I’m pressed for time. The store also features a lineup of Italian brands—great for looking good on your way to and back from the links. The problem is you’re likely to find yourself buying something even if it’s not specifically golfwear!
When picking out golfwear, I tend to go for louder styles than I would normally wear, a look that strikes the right note when you’re surrounded by greenery and nature, lifts your mood, and really lets you enjoy your golf. And pretty much the only time I wear something with a logo on it like the one shown in the photograph is when I’m playing golf. Incidentally, the “1989” stitched into the breast of this polo shirt (17,000 yen) is the year Pearly Gates was founded. Items from the brand often feature the number 89. Back when I couldn’t shoot anything under 90, I used to wear one in the hopes it would bring me luck. It was as though I was saying, “This time I’m going to score under 90!
During this report, I purchase a golf fork that also comes with a ball marker (2,200 yen). Another enjoyable experience: when you buy the golf fork you’ve selected, you can twist a gacha-gacha capsule vending machine, out of which comes a capsule containing a marker. The colors of the markers are random. I feel surprisingly excited as I open the capsule. I made a mental note of quite a few stylishly-dressed female staff working at the store. Whether you’re visiting by yourself or you’ve brought a female friend, they’ll provide a quick tutorial on what’s trendy in the golf world right now. An objective outlook is invaluable when it comes to questions of style.
My last stop is ISHIYA GINZA on the second belowground floor. The photograph shows some Fuwari Butter Omelets (300 yen each) exclusive to GINZA SIX. Created from a base of fermented Hokkaido butter and containing wine, rum, or Japanese sake, they’re an unusual confectionery.
The addictive Pali pies (250 yen each, eight varieties available) have strikingly different textures from the aforementioned Fuwari. They’re flaky pies with multiple buttery layers. These really piqued my curiosity. The staff kindly allowed me to sample one topped with a chocolate cream in the shop—it made me long for a companion glass of wine!
Due to the nature of my work, I’m selective about choosing gifts. ISHIYA GINZA is the perfect place for picking out just the right ones. The brand was established by a company called Ishiya Co., which makes one of Hokkaido’s most famous confectionery products: Shiroi Koibito cookies. All Japanese people, young or old, male or female, know about Shiroi Koibito, but the product isn’t sold here. ISHIYA GINZA is a totally different venture established exclusively for GINZA SIX. Nevertheless, the Sagu Langue du Chat line are wonderful products that inherit the Ishiya DNA. Give a brief account of the background as you present your gift—it’s bound to inspire a smile. Since I’m an editor, people tend to hold my gifts to unrealistic standards; still, with a gift like this, which not only tastes great but has a story behind it, you can’t go wrong.
This stroll around GINZA SIX in response to a request to write an article took around an hour and a half—fairly leisurely, but, honestly, not enough time—mostly because wherever I go, I see so many wonderful things my gaze is constantly shifting. I first mentioned how spacious the mall is. That prompts the thought that tucked away in that space are more new discoveries. My job definitely plays a role here, but when it occurs to me there’s something out there I don’t know about or that I might find new or delightful, I can’t stop thinking about it. Perhaps a character flaw, or perhaps something to do with GINZA SIX…
Text:Hiroshi Ishii Photos:Yuichi Sugita Edit:Yuka Okada

石井 洋